Term 3 Week 6 2023
Principals Message
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
The sun is shining and the birds have started singing again and today is the last day of Winter. Not only does that symbolise a change in our seasons, it also signifies a change in mood. At least, it does for me!
It is not as cold on my early morning runs; the gloves and beanies have been put away and the afternoons are growing longer and warmer. The grass is growing and there is a real sniff of Spring in the air. Footy finals are upon us and for us long-suffering Carlton supporters, it has been a long time coming.
Alongside all of this is a feeling of excitement, not only for the Spring and Summer but also for what is to come in the cycle of the school year. At this time of year, we are supporting our Confirmation candidates and praying for them as a school community. We are also planning for a busy Term 4 which includes all of the events for Grade 6 but also Water Awareness (formerly Learn to Swim) for Gr 1-3, excursions and the very important season of Advent.
I am also very excited because I will be taking Long Service Leave for the final three weeks of this term. My family and I are heading off to Port Douglas for a few days which will be a time to relax and unwind. Then, I am embarking on a multi-day ultramarathon, running the Tasmanian Trail which is a 480km track from Devonport to Dover. That might not be your idea of relaxing but I am really looking forward to it. During that time, Mr Paul Mannion will be Acting Principal and Mrs Bianca de Deuge will be Acting Deputy. I know that you will support them in their respective roles as you have done for me.
Enjoy the rest of this term and ‘Go the Blues!’
Jason Perry
Sacrament of Confirmation
Teacher Aide Appreciation Week
This week is Teacher Aide Appreciation Week! We are lucky to have a dedicated team of TAs working at St. Anthony’s. We thought this would be a great time for you to get to know them!Usually working behind the scenes, one-on-one or in small groups with our students, TAs play an important role in supporting our students and teachers with day to day learning! The amazing Mrs Barber, Mrs Furfaro, Mrs Brown (aka Linda) Mrs Bell, Miss Young, Mel, Ms Bec, Miss Byrne, Mrs Roberts, Miss Millwood and Mel, who all bring years of experience, love and wisdom to our school!!
Book Fair 2023
Thank you to all those families who supported our Book Fair last week. From all the sales we made, we have earned $870.00 to spend on school supplies from Scholastic Australia. Sales from last year's fair enabled us to purchase almost $700.00 worth of new decodable home readers for Prep and Grade 1. Thanks again to everyone who has supported our Book Fairs over the past few years. Monica Roberts, Library
Book Week 2023!!!
Thank you to all the students, staff and families who participated in this year's Book Week. Everyone looked amazing!!
Premiers Reading Challenge
Please remember to return your completed reading logs to the library by Friday 1st September 2023.
Students that participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and who place their completed Reading log into the library container will receive a certificate in October.
Snap, Crackle and Pop 2023!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this event successful again this year! We absolutely loved seeing so many members from our wider community join us for such a fun night! Again, thank you to our amazing sponsors who helped make this night possible. See you all again next time!
Be Sun Smart!
As we enter the warmer months and the UV index hits 3, we all need to be Sun Smart and wear sun protection. This means all students will be required to wear their hat outside from Monday 4th September.
To help protect your skin and eyes from UV damage, wear a broad-brim, bucket or legionnaire hat that shades the face, neck, eyes and ears. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main cause of skin cancer. Sun protection is recommended whenever the UV level reaches 3 or above.
Walking in the Car Park
Car parking walking Our school is committed to providing a safe environment for all people, including areas vehicles drive within the school grounds. When walking to the school buildings from the car park (particularly with children), please use the designated pedestrian crossings (yellow lines). Please do not cross the driveway or cut through the roundabout. It is important that we all model road safety to our children.
Catholic Standard
The Catholic Standard is the official print publication of the Catholic Church in Tasmania. Produced monthly, the Catholic Standard reports on local, national, and international issues of importance to the Catholic Church and community.
Important Uniform Information
Please ensure all uniform items are clearly named. Our lost property is starting to pile up, so if you have lost something, please check it out.
If you have borrowed uniform items from the office, please ensure they are washed and returned as soon as possible, as we require them for emergency situations.