Term 4 Week 6 2024
From the Principal
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
As we approach the end of another wonderful year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our recent activities and share some exciting upcoming events.
Firstly, I am delighted to see our classrooms being decorated for the upcoming Advent and Christmas seasons. The creativity and effort put in by our students and teachers have truly brought the spirit of these seasons to life. Walking around our school, one cannot help but feel the joy and anticipation that Advent brings. As I write this I am sitting in the centre of the Christmas whirlwind, our Prep classroom, and I can’t help but be caught up in Miss Deane’s energy and enthusiasm for all things Christmassy!
Despite the busyness and the inevitable tiredness that comes with this time of year, our school community remains vibrant and enthusiastic. We have a series of end-of-year events planned that promise to be both enjoyable and memorable. These include our annual Carols in the Courtyard, the Kinder Nativity play, and our end-of-year Mass, where we will come together to celebrate and give thanks for the blessings of the past year.
While this is a special time of year for all of our students, I am mindful of our Grade 6’s who remain busy and focussed but with one eye on High School while looking back at their time at St Anthony’s. Some have already attended their orientation days and we will celebrate the Leaver’s Dinner and their Fun Day in a couple of weeks. While I acknowledged their leadership and role modelling at our recent Awards Assembly, I’ll repeat that here. Our Grade 6 students model what good leadership is to our Grade 5’s which sets the tone for our entire school. Whenever I speak to prospective parents, I proudly state that all of our students genuinely care for each other and that is because it starts with our Grade 6’s. We have a calm and welcoming climate in part because of them. That will be their legacy for us after they have left for High School and something with which they should be very proud.
Jason Perry - Principal
Grade 3/4 Ryan News – Term 4
Well, what a couple of busy weeks it has been in Grade 3/4 Ryan!
In our writing unit, we have been learning about narrative texts and have spent time structuring and practicing our paragraph writing to craft a well written narrative.
In English, we have been conducting our Speaker’s Box program over the past couple weeks. Students are randomly given a topic from the curriculum to prepare a short presentation on. It has been wonderful to see the many creative ways students have prepared and presented their work. We have even had Mrs de Deuge in our classroom to observe some of our students’ presentations.
In Design & Technologies, we have just finished a big unit covering all aspects of how designers consider technology. The four main elements we have learnt about in this unit include the (1) positive impacts on technology and how technologies are used in daily occupations, (2) how designers consider sustainability, contact forces and materials when planning new products, (3) food and fibre production and (4) food technologies. Students have enjoyed learning about the functions of technologies and the wider impact technology has on everyday products or services they use.
In Religion, we have been looking at Scripture and stories from the Old Testament. Recently, students completed a hands-on 5 senses activity involving learning about the Story of Creation and experiencing God’s natural creations through hear, sight, smell, taste and touch.
Outside the classroom, along with Grades 1, 2 and 3/4M, we have been completing our yearly Water Safety program. It has been fantastic to see the growth students have made in the swimming skills across the duration of the program. Hopefully, students will get to go on the waterslide tomorrow as a reward for their efforts!
Grades 3/4 and 5/6 Basketball Tournament
Well done to all the students who participated in the basketball tournament this year. We are so proud of how you represented our school! Thank you to all the coaches, volunteers, team managers, and parents for your passionate and positive support of our students.
Just Leadership Day 2024
On Tuesday 12th November seven Year 5 students went to Sacred Heart Primary School to attend the 2024 Just Leadership Day. The day was facilitated by representatives from our Catholic charitable agencies including CARITAS Australia, Vinnies and Catholic Mission. During this day, the students learnt about Catholic Social Teaching, servant leadership and the great work of these agencies who assist those in need in our world.
Holy Communion
Congratulations to those who received their First Holy Communion! May it be a day you remember as you continue to grow in your faith and love for Christ.
Return Of Library Books
As it is nearing the end of the school year, all library books are now due back.
Could please check at home if your child/children still have any books and if so, can they please be returned to the library or their classroom as soon as possible.
With thanks,
Monica Roberts -Library Technician
Christmas Eve - NATIVITY PLAY - St Francis Church
A call to all children wanting to be part of the 800 year old tradition of the annual Christmas Eve Nativity play.
Please come to our first rehearsal at our St Francis of Assisi Church on Sunday 8th December after 9am Mass.
Looking forward to seeing you there.