Term 3 Week 6
From the Principal
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
We look forward to sharing an egg and bacon roll with the Dad’s and special men in our lives on Monday morning before our Father’s Day liturgy. I know that you’ll all be looked after on Sunday!
Today we have had the pleasure of hosting Dr Lorraine Hammond AO who has been modelling explicit instruction in phonics in our Prep classroom. This has been an amazing opportunity to see a world class educator in action and to gain from her expertise. We have been fortunate to have built a strong relationship with Dr Hammond and she has already had a significant impact on our teacher practices. She is a strong advocate for the high impact teaching practices that we use here and is a nationally recognised speaker and presenter on the subject. Today she modelled to St Thomas Aquinas Teaching Schools cadets, one of which is our very own Ella Millwood.
Pray for..
In sad news for our school, Paul Mannion has had a bit of a health scare and will be away for the remainder of this term. I know that you’ll join our school community in praying for him and a speedy recovery and we will look forward to his return in Term 4.
Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee
Many of our Grade 3-6 students have recently participated in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee. Congratulations to the following students for moving into the next round of the competition:
Maddison B, Miette, Stella, Ivy F, Braith, Evie Cl, Ethan, Spencer, Macie, Eli, Mason W, Max F, Paloma, Nicholas B.
Data Update
In other news, many of you would have seen the release of this year’s NAPLAN results recently. We are really proud of our students and the learning that is happening across our school and this year’s results have confirmed that for us. Our Grade 3 Reading was particularly impressive and indicates for us that what we have been teaching from Kindergarten to Grade 3 is working really well.
Jason Perry-Principal
Payment of 2024 School Fees
As we are now approaching the end of Term 3, we would like to remind families of your obligation to pay school fees. As per our Enrolment Agreement, and on your monthly statements, fees for the current school year are to be paid in full by the last week in November. If you are experiencing difficulties in meeting your payments, we encourage you to contact Nikki Quill in the office to discuss.
Important Information
Car Park
To model road safety for our children, when walking through the car park, please use the pedestrian crossing and footpath around the turning circle, rather than crossing the driveway or through the turning circle.
We love to see you around the school, so if you are able, please park in the car park and collect your child from their classroom or from the parent pickup shelter.
School finishes at 2:55 pm each day and our driveway and West Tamar Road can become very congested at this time. To avoid vehicles blocking the driveway and consequently banking up on West Tamar Road, which poses a safety risk to commuters on this busy road we require our Parent Pickup line to move quickly.
Please do not park in the 3 parent pickup spaces before 2.55pm.
If the car park is full, please start to queue behind the buses, leaving space in other vehicles to use the inner turning circle if needed.
Just a reminder if your child is being picked up from parent pick up that they must be able to buckle themselves in (parents/carers must remain in the car). If you need to assist your child to be safely strapped in, you can park in the carpark and help. This helps for safety and traffic flow. Please make sure that if Grandparents or other family members pick up your child they are aware of the routines.