Term 3 Week 2 2024
A Child's Prayer for Grandparents
Dear God, please bless my grandparents.
Thank you for the life they gave my parents
and for the life they give to me.
For the ways they helped me and made me strong, I give thanks.
For the way they love me no matter what, I rejoice.
For the ways, they have paved the road
that leads me here, I am grateful.
Let them grow in wisdom and joy in life.
Let them find peace and rest from their work.
Let them be healed of every sickness and pain.
And let them see with their own eyes your glory
and the love of their children and grandchildren.
Bless them always until they come to rest in you.
- Author Unknown
From the Principal
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
Welcome back to Term 3. For us, this is a busy term but full of opportunities for learning as classes consolidate the great work that they have done during the first half of the year.
As I walk around the school and sit in classes, it’s so good to see our teachers and students working so hard but still enjoying their learning. Last week I was in 3/4M and spoke to one of the students about what they were learning. He then took me through an explanation of what subordinate conjunctions were - and I was blown away. Not only are our 3/4 students learning about something that I didn’t even learn in High School but they are understanding it, retaining it and able to explain it to someone else! And this is only a small part of the learning that is happening across our whole school.
This year’s NAPLAN reports have recently gone out to parents in Grade 3 and 5 and we have seen a reflection of great learning in that data. While that data will take time to analyse before we can share it with the school community, please see below two tables which are a comparison of NAPLAN from 2022 to 2023 and show a significant improvement across all areas (both datasets are publicly available on the My School website).
Jason Perry
Class Sharing: Grade 1
Grade 1 have had a great start to Term 3. We have been busy with our learning in all subjects. Our focus for the first few weeks is being STAR students and learners. In daily reviews and explicit instruction STAR stands for:
S = Sitting tall
T = Tracking with the tracker
A = Answering together
R = Respect
All Grade 1 students are working hard to earn a STAR student bracelet by demonstrating STAR student qualities during our learning.
Grandparents and Special Peoples Day Prayer Service
On Monday, 29th of July Grades 1 and 2 hosted our Grandparents Day prayer service. We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating with our Grandparents and special people in our lives.
St Patrick’s College Children’s Theatre.
On Tuesday the 30th of July, Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 watched St Patrick’s College children's theatre performances, Peter Pan and Into the Woods plus a series of dances.
We had a great time watching these talented performers.
NCCD Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year. The NCCD is a collection that counts the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to a disability, along with the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.
The NCCD takes place in August each year and it is compulsory for all schools to collect and submit information. The information collected helps teachers, principals, education authorities and governments to better support students with disabilities at school. Data is collected within each school however personal details, such as student names, are not passed on to ensure students’ privacy is protected.
If you are interested in reading more about how the NCCD works please click on the link below for a full fact sheet for parents:
Please click on the link below to access our facebook page.
Important Dates:
Monday 9 December - Grade 6 leavers dinner
Tuesday 10 December - Riverbank picnic
Friday 13 December - Grade 6 fun day
Tuesday 17 December - Final assembly