Term 2 Week 10
From the Principal
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
A good friend of mine keeps telling me that St Anthony’s is ‘an oasis of positivity’ and I acknowledge it every time he mentions it but I do so in that typical Australian way - by brushing it off. He says that we are ‘counter-cultural’ because we offer a positive refuge from all of the negativity that we are constantly exposed to across mainstream and social media. Although I brush it off, it is worth thinking about and worth recognising.
As I mentioned at last week’s Award Assembly, our teachers and staff work really hard and we are very proud of them. We are just as proud of our students - your children - who are amazing in so many ways and we see it every day in the way that they care for each other and look out for each other. That positive, calm feel flows throughout our school and is recognisable to anyone that visits.
Just last Thursday, I walked out to duty and wondered where all the students were. When I arrived at the basketball court, I realised that approx 80% of our students were playing one massive game together. Students of all grades had created a game of ‘gang ups’ (a form of tag or chasing) and were all happily playing together. I can honestly say that it was an ‘only at St Anthony's’ moment because I do not know of any other school where something like that would occur. And that is just one example of the positive way that our students conduct themselves.
Over the last few weeks, our Leadership Team has been collecting and collating data across all levels of the school including NAPLAN and PAT as well as data from our Literacy Programs and other classroom data. What it shows is that the positive feel about learning and life in general at St Anthony’s is showing in our academic data as well. We are ‘kicking goals’ in so many areas! Starting next term, I will share with you some of the ‘specks of gold’ that we have found in the data as a celebration.
On the topic of hard work, I would like to thank those families that were able to attend the recent working bee. On a freezing cold Saturday morning it was great to see the energy, enthusiasm and effort from our hardy volunteers. The work that was done in such a short space of time has given us real momentum in our Kitchen Garden and Kindergarten play space in particular. That momentum has continued as Nicho has led a small band of students during their lunch times to keep working on the herb wheel and surrounding rock path.
This is another example of positivity that has a direct impact on the culture and climate of our school. Maybe next time I speak to my friend, I won’t just brush it off - as un-Australian as that might be!
Jason Perry
Grade 3/4 Ryan News
This term, in Grade 3/4 Ryan, we have been busy finishing off units across all
subjects. In our novel study unit, we completed reading ‘The One & Only Ivan’ by
Katherine Applegate. As a reward, we watched Disney’s adaption of the book and
discussed aspects of the film that were different from the novel. In writing, we have
spent the second half of the term learning about paragraphs and how to write
information texts. As part of our learning in HASS and Geography about the
representation of Australia, we spent time learning about the aspects of three states
in depth: Tasmania, Queensland and Western Australia, then wrote descriptive
paragraphs about each state in guided writing. We then typed a final information
report with pictures on Google Docs to proudly share with our parents on Showcase
night. In Mathematics, we have been consolidating our skills across time, data,
multiplication, division, fractions, addition and subtraction. On Showcase night,
students were able to choose one skill they have learnt to show to their parents. In
Religion, students have been learning about Jesus and how his values help us live
our best lives. We have also been learning about the features of a Church, gestures
during Mass, and how Jesus’ work is present through service, worship and witness
in our community through organisations such as Vinnies. In HASS, we have been
investigating the states and territories and their flags and emblems. Students have
practiced identifying these states and territories on a map, along with their
accompanying flags and emblems, ready for Showcase. As an extension activity,
students learnt about the Launceston flag and researched the aspects of its symbols,
explaining these to their parents.
Our Sensory Bush Tucker Garden
The aim of our project is to create a sensory bush tucker garden so that students can participate in growing plants and using their senses. The children will be involved in designing the sensory garden, planting, cooking, and maintaining the space whilst collaborating with our local Aboriginal knowledge sharers. The expected (environmental and educational) outcomes of the project include our students learning about edible native plants of Tasmania whilst learning about the plant life cycle and their different uses. Thank you to Nate and Kerrie-Lee from Woolworths who visited us to present our certificate.
Congratulations - Sacrament of Reconciliation
Congratulations to our St Anthony’s students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Friday 21st June.
Save the Date:
Wednesday 21st August - Students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character. More information will be provided closer to the date.