Term 2 Week 8 2024
From the Principal
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
The last week has been significant for our school as we are beginning to be noticed for the great work that we are doing. Last Friday we were fortunate to host the Hon Jo Palmer, MLC, Minister for Education. We took a tour of the school and discussed our amazing facilities and then spent some time across our Grade 3/4 classrooms. Both Mr Ryan and Mr McCausland were very hospitable and engaging with the Minister, as were our students.
On Monday evening, I attended a Civic Reception for the Governor hosted by The West Tamar Council. Two of our School Captains also attended with me and were able to meet the Mayor, Christina Holmdahl as well as Her Excellency, Barbara Baker AO and her husband, Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers. Although Baxter and Olive found themselves in a crowd of ‘old people’, they were amazing and represented our school with dignity and poise. I am extremely proud of the way that they conducted themselves.
Finally, yesterday we hosted a visit from Senator Helen Polley who had requested to meet Mr McCausland about the great work that we are doing in regards to the Science of Learning. Andrew and I met with the Senator to explain how our teaching has shifted based on the latest and best evidence and research. Andrew emphasised the importance of the explicit teaching methodology and how we regularly check for understanding throughout each lesson “so that we don’t leave learning to chance.” The Senator was then able to see that approach in action as Andrew led a Daily Review lesson with 3/4M.
As Principal, I am incredibly proud of the work that all of our staff do each day and their commitment and professionalism. Although their motivation isn’t about acknowledgement from outside our school community, it is always nice to have visitors to our school recognise the great work that is happening here.
Jason Perry
Gala Day 2024
Our amazing students took the stage to share their talents, their learning, and their progress in our first Band Soirée for the 2024 school year.
Congratulations to all our students who participated in the evening. Thank you to Ms Mowat and the Music Tutors from St Patrick's College, Launceston who provide this incredible learning opportunity for our students and families!
Catholic Mission Visit
St Anthony’s Grade 5 ⁄ 6 classes were lucky enough to have Maria Fracalossi (Catholic Mission) and Leanne Pritchard (CET) visit us recently. Maria and Leanne spoke about the wonderful and needed work of Catholic Mission and how we can help.
Premiers Reading Challenge 2024
Are you ready for the 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge?
We invite students from Kindergarten to Year 6 to uncover great mysteries through the world of books for the Premier's Reading Challenge.
The challenge is to log 10 or more book titles during the challenge.
The 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge will run from Monday 17h June to Friday 23rd August 2024.
You can read anything during the Challenge! Books can include comics, magazines, picture books, or novels. Anything you read, log as a book!
Students will be given a reading log on the 17th June. When they have completed the reading log please return to the container in the library. If you need another reading log, please see Mrs Roberts.
Students that participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and who place their completed Reading log into the library container will receive a certificate in October.
Happy Reading!