Term 3 Week 4 2023
Prayer for the Assumption of Mary
Prayer for the Assumption of Mary
Father in heaven,
all creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life and all holiness come from you.
In the plan of your wisdom
she who bore the Christ in her womb
was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven.
May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness
and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Message From The Principal
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
I think it was in the last newsletter that I wrote, “We are all very excited for tomorrow night’s, ‘Snap, Crackle & Pop!’ Fireworks Night!” Well, here we are again. At this stage the weather is looking favourable and we are all systems go!
As this is our major fundraiser for the year, I sincerely hope to see all of you there and enjoying yourselves in support of our school. Thank you to those that have volunteered to help out and an advance thank you to those of you that will step up and help out on the night.
Personally, I am very excited about tomorrow night and looking forward to the opportunity for us to celebrate together as a school community. I even have every member of my own family helping out which makes me very proud.
I am conscious of the fact that by limiting our events throughout the year so that we are not asking too much of our community, that we lose a bit of that community feel that comes through regularly meeting together. As always, I am open to feedback about this and would welcome any ideas or suggestions about how we can continue to improve in this area.
In fact, if you have any feedback about any aspect of school life, please let us know. This is part of our commitment as a school to continue to build the teamwork that is imperative for improvement of outcomes for our students and our school in general.
In regards to this, please remember that we have protocols in place and that any concerns should be raised with the classroom teacher as a courtesy before coming to myself or other members of our Leadership Team. Also, I would expect that every member of our community shows respect by communicating with us directly if there is an issue so that we have the best chance to work together to solve it. After all, I am sure that you would expect the same in return.
Jason Perry
Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the strengths and achievements of our 38 Catholic schools as well as the people who contribute to Catholic Education Tasmania’s ongoing success.
Our theme for 2023 is ‘Arise and go!’ This calls us to follow in the footsteps of Mary MacKillop as she was called to arise and go with haste into the world. So too are we in Catholic education called to arise and make a positive impact in the lives of others.
Catholic education has supported Tasmanian families for nearly 200 years. We are proud to be partners in Tasmania’s future; partners with governments, families, and Church communities in achieving shared educational goals for young Tasmanians. We work alongside our first nations people, towards a better future for all.
National Science Week
This week is National Science Week, Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. Held each year in August, it features more than 1000 events around Australia, including those delivered by universities, schools, research institutions, libraries, museums and science centres.
Our students have been involved in a number of activities from the Young Tassie Scientists. This program aims to broaden the profile of science throughout Tasmania and to provide insights into working as a scientist. The sessions our students attended involved Nutrition and healthy diets, Dark matter and the universe and Food supply chains – from farm to plate.
We also participated in virtual events from the CSIRO, Australia's national science agency. Kinder to Grade 2 students enjoyed a session on Dance With A Digital Human learning about the push and pull effect on the body and how this affects how an object moves or changes shape.
Grade 3 - 6 students were involved in a Virtual Tour of research vessel Investigator led by a CSIRO marine biologist and a wildlife scientist. They learned about the features of the ship and what it's like to undertake ground-breaking scientific research at sea.
Class Sharing
At our last assembly, Gr 3/4R shared with us some of their recent learning.
In the lead up to the ‘Snap, Crackle and Pop Fireworks Night’, our class created some Fireworks art using coloured cardboard paper. We created our art using Bonfire and Fireworks examples to replicate the celebration of the night. We also wrote a short Cinquain (Sin-kane) Poem to match our artwork. A cinquain (sin-kane) poem includes 1 noun, two adjectives, three verbs (or adverbs), a simile, and finishes with a noun. Here are some examples of our work.
We have also been working on our sentence level writing (in Daily Reviews and English), to make our sentences better using adjectives, adverbs and learnt vocabulary.
For the next 2 weeks, we will be focusing on being safe, respectful and responsible outside during wet weather weeks. Please watch our video
Feast of St Clare
Last Friday we celebrated the feast of St Clare of Assisi.
We were led by both of our 3/4 classes in a liturgy celebrating the life and contributions St Clare brought to our religious community.
Do you know why St Clare is pictured holding a monstrance?
One story of the power of St.Clare’s prayer regards the invasion of the Saracens in 1240. As the invading forces surrounded and attacked Assisi, they encountered San Damiano – the convent where Clare and her sisters lived – because it was outside the city walls. As the warriors approached, Clare’s sisters panicked and roused Clare from her sick bed. Clare took the monstrance from the chapel with the consecrated Host and showed it to the Saracens. Upon seeing Clare holding the Blessed Sacrament the enemy first froze in their tracks and then gripped with a feeling of terror began to retreat. Never to return!
Mini Vinnies Presentation
Last term, we ran our hygiene drive for the Vinnie’s Winter Appeal. The donations will be handed out through our Vinnies Vans to help many in need this winter.
We were thrilled to have Rodney Spinks from Vinnies attend our assembly to present us with a Certificate of Appreciation.
Thank you again to all the students and families who contributed to this fantastic donation drive.
School Parking Policy
Friendly Reminder
The turning circle is a ‘no parking’ zone and is our bus zone before and after school. The turning circle is for drop off/pick up only, whilst remaining in your car.
If you need to park your car, please use the car park and use the pedestrian crossings and footpaths to access the school.
Tasmanian Premiers Reading Challenge
Please remember to return your completed reading logs to the library by Friday 1st September 2023.
Students that participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and who place their completed Reading log into the library container will receive a certificate in October.
Little Athletics
Fireworks Night Sponsors!!
We would like to send out a big thank you to all of our generous sponsors that have made this years Fireworks night possible.
Book Week Costume Parade
Friday, 25th August 2023 at 9am
Save the date and get those costumes ready!