Term 1 Week 10
From the Principal
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
In the spirit of our PBS focus for this week, thank you. We have had a great term and the start to the year. I am personally pleased about the changes that we have made including the reintroduction of awards and a change to our PBS which have both had a positive impact on our school.
I am personally handing out two awards at our assembly today for students that consistently take the next step with their welcoming. One is a very special, ‘St Anthony’s Award’ for something that was reported to me by a staff member from another Catholic school after our Grade 5/6 Gala Day. These are the things that highlight how good our students are and make me very proud as Principal.
Kindergarten 2025
You may have noticed our signs appeared this week in Legana and on the West Tamar Rd. This is not an indication that we need enrolments because we currently have more expressions of interest than we can handle!
If you know of anyone that has a child turning 5 next year and would like to enrol into Kinder, please let them know that enrolments will be closing soon.
As we head into the end of term break, I’d like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to seeing you all again next term.
Jason Perry (Principal)
End of Term Prayer
We thank you Lord, for this term.
For our challenges, our successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt.
Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith.
Stations of the Cross
On Wednesday students in Grades Prep-6 walked reverently reflecting on the ‘The Way of the Cross’ and Jesus’ final hours.
Holy Thursday / Good Friday Prayer Service
Holy Thursday / Good Friday Prayer Service
On Thursday Year 5/6 students led us in a prayer service in which students gathered to reflect on the events of Holy Week.
Easter Joy Prayer Service
Students gathered outside to celebrate Easter and the beginning of a new life. We celebrated because Jesus rose from the dead.
Easter fun at recess and lunch!
At lunchtime some Year 5/6 students hid some plastic eggs in the playground for others to find.
Cross Country Volunteers 2024
Tuesday 21st May 2024
St Anthony’s Cross Country relies on the assistance, and appreciates the help of volunteers to run events.
If you are available to help out on the day between 9-1pm please contact Emma Marshall (emma.marshall@catholic.tas.edu.au) or the school office. More information will be provided closer to the day.
Sacramental Program
Students in Grades 3-6: If you would like to participate in the Sacramental Program this year please contact Emma Marshall at emma.marshall@catholic.tas.edu.au
National Walk Safely to School Day
More information will be sent via Compass for students in Prep-Grade 6.