Term 1 Week 6
From the Principal
Dear families and friends of St Anthony’s,
Yesterday, Emma Marshall and I had the pleasure of speaking to Alison Stone from The Franciscan Schools Association and Father Bernie Thomas who is a Franciscan Friar from Sydney. With the help of FSA, Father Bernie will be facilitating our Staff Spirituality Day on Friday 12th April and leading us to develop a greater understanding of our Franciscan heritage and spirituality. St Anthony’s holds a special position as the only Franciscan school in Tasmania and we are excited about the opportunity to deepen that connection and understanding.
Award Assembly
I am particularly excited about our first Award Assembly this Friday! I am a firm believer in celebrating success and we have much to celebrate. Our students are fantastic and we have occasionally been guilty of taking that for granted. So, on Friday at 2.20pm, we will rectify that and recognise some of them as the first recipients of our St Anthony’s ‘Recognition Award’. Teachers have invited families of recipients to the Assembly and we will post a photo of them in next fortnight’s newsletter. Of course, all families are always welcome at our Assemblies and Gathering on a Monday morning.
Harmony Day
Next Thursday 21st March we will be holding a Welcome BBQ and Picnic in conjunction with Harmony Day. Although we are providing a sausage sizzle, I would encourage you to bring your own food (preferably something traditional or from your family heritage), picnic blanket or chairs to sit and enjoy a meal as a community. This is a great opportunity to meet parents from other grades and we have even invited families from Early Learning and prospective Kindergarten 2025 parents. I know that you will make them feel welcome. Please see Compass for more information.
Kindergarten 2025
As you might have noticed, we have opened enrolments for Kindergarten 2025. Enrolment interviews have begun this week and we already have a large number of expressions of interest. If you have a child turning 5 in 2025, please let us know and we will schedule a time to meet. If you have friends or wider family that have children that are interested in joining our school, please encourage them to contact us via the website or phone the office as soon as possible because places are filling fast!
Jason Perry
From the Deputy Principal
Paul Mannion
Brixhibition is back for 2024! Brixhibition is an opportunity for K - 6 students to show off their amazing Lego building skills and admire the creativity of their peers during judging.
All students will have the opportunity to vote at school on a design from their grade group. There will then be an overall school winner who will be invited to showcase their winning Lego Model at the Brixhibition event on Saturday 20 - Sunday 21 April at the Door of Hope (Glen Dhu).
For further information, please refer to the letter sent last Friday via Compass.
On Friday, we had the NIJSSA Swimming Carnival. We arrived and had to be called up to go and swim, You have to line up in hoops and there are dots on the ground as you wait. Then we swam our races and received our ribbons, if we placed. Then we had to wait for our next race. Everyone was well behaved and chanted for St Anthony's. It was a bit weird chanting for a different team than our usual house colours!We had a fantastic day.By Ivy Furfaro
Class Sharing: Health & Physical Education - Nick Stacey
It has been a very busy start to the year from a PE perspective with preparing students for carnivals, gala days and other events. Our K-2 students have been focussing on their movement skills and have had great fun doing a variety of obstacle courses, movement relays and basic gymnastic moves. They have been thinking about how they move their body through space in different ways.
The Gr3-6 students have been exploring a variety of striking and fielding games such as stoolball, rounders, T-ball and cricket. It has been great to see how their striking skills have improved over the last few weeks. Our game sense skills are also a big focus in these games. Getting the students to think about the decisions they have to make to help their team be successful when either batting or fielding is an important part of this unit.
Last week, we hosted an awesome Grade 5/6 MJR Day with St Finn Barr’s Catholic School. These days are facilitated by the amazing Marty Ogle and students are engaged in a variety of thought provoking and enjoyable activities.
What is MJR you may ask?
Making Jesus Real (MJR) is what St Anthony’s Catholic School is all about. It is not a program but a way of life with Jesus as our mentor. Jesus has shown us how to love God and our neighbours. This requires us to be fully aware of our actions, attitudes and thoughts towards others like Jesus did. We have to ask ourselves constantly “What would Jesus do?”
MJR builds community by making each person acknowledge the way in which they behave, the choices they make and the impact those choices have on the community we live in. We all need to be positive role models so that the children will follow our lead. To fulfil our mission by building a positive, life giving, Christ-centred community, the school, its teachers, children and parents work together in partnership.
World Day of Prayer - Palestine 2024
The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical day of prayer led by Christian women on the first Friday in March. This year it was held at St Francis Church. Mrs Marshall and the school and house leaders represented St Anthony’s. Students greeted the Parish community and led the offertory.